Saturday, December 18, 2010


I heard before one sentence which I personally think is quite truth about it. 
"One day in the whole world, there are billion of people can't even earn 1$."

This is probably the fact for everyone in the world and especially for teenagers. For a teenager which is still schooling, will you able to earn money for yourself everyday?? For students which focus more on academic will probably won't think to earn any part time money for you own use because parents will pay for everything you want. But, as a teenager which soon will enter social life, we should start to work for part time or even internet job so that to earn up some money which is belong to yourself. For an easier job, you can just work on the internet and you can earn some money or what i mean at least RM 1 per day. There are a lot of options doing online stuff all around the net and I had discover something which is quite interesting. The job is quite simple, you just have to advertise a website on your facebook or twitter and you can earn RM 1 once your friend sign up for the pro gramme. Sound interesting right? A question now, how are you going to get paid?? This will be having the same method as nuffnang which is a advertisement site for blogger to earn money. The web will send you a cheque  for you and you could collect your money through the bank. This is not a scam but is truth. However, they won't send you cheque when you just have only RM 1 in your account. What you need to do is just save your money until it reaches a minimum amount and you can collect it anytime you like. Beside that, there is also some campaign you can share out via facebook or twitter. In repay, RM0.20 will be added to you account when your friends click on the link which is available. Finally, this web is know as youthsays. You all can start to explore this by sign up using this link . Have fun with it, hope that you will earn some pocket money after sometime. Remember to support my link that i had shared via facebook and also my blog, stay tuned!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

New Life

Finally that 14/12/2010 had came through, and I had ended my Secondary School. There were some indescribable feeling in me. I feel that time passes very fast in this 5 years, it was just like yesterday I just enter my secondary school and now, I had completely finish this. In this 5 years, I sincerely been through a lots of things, growth up to be a better one. I had learn to be more mature, more responsible compare with the time when I just was form 1. I go through a lots of things, family conflict, friends conflict, studies conflict, lover conflict. I admit that not every conflict I go through I did well, some I had left out lots of regret in it, some I had seriously did things which is wrong. However, these should can allow me to growth to be a better person in my coming life.

For my friends, if I had ever did any wrong, said anything wrong, please forgive me, I know sometime I am bad temple, but I din mean to do anything which is hurt to u all. We are always friends for now and ever. I will always miss time when we were together to do something done. That had make the best chapter of my life.

In this years, I really had gone through much things then I thought, it been a busy years for me, but guess what? I enjoyed it much. I had learnt much this year about life, study is not everything however it is important for you to continue life for a better future. A team of friends which can complete anything you wan is very important for your life because they will bring happiness in your life, they could give you support and give you a boost in your life. But now, a great chapter of my life had come to an ending. A new life is coming for me, all of us that study together, gang together and play together will have their own life in the future, everyone will have things they busy with. College life will be coming, working life will be coming, and when we will be again to work hard for something? I surely miss all those time.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

辛苦了两年,终于终于这场战争终于到临。两年来的一切,就要在这时候释放出来。老师的教诲也要在这次的考试中,善于利用。每道问题,也应细心回答。 只要进了最大的努力,必定有该有的成果。兄弟们,朋友们,我们一起加油吧! 一起打赢这场战争!! SPM 我们来了,在过20天,我们就渡过了!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010





难道,未来的我们, 就是不闻, 不问, 不说吗? 




Friday, November 5, 2010


      从我们幼小的童年,我们常常可以从课本里学习及阅读到孝恩敬老的故事。这是因为教育局希望学生们透过这些故事,来体会身为孩子的我们该对于长辈有的责任。所谓孝恩,就是要对我们的父母报答养育之恩,就是要对教导我们的老师报答教育之恩。而敬老,就是要尊敬抚养我们的父母,诚恳地对待他们,不骂,不顶,不嫌,不怨的敬佩他们。除此以外,对我们不眠,不休,不计较的老师,身为学子的我们 ,更应该敬仰他们。没了他们,就不会有着越来越进步的国家,就不会有着越来越繁荣的经济,就不会有着越来越成功的领导者。

            社会的每个阶段,都需要这“孝恩敬老”的教诲为基础,因为只要有着这稳重的基础在于社会人士的心目中,才可以使社会的进步,繁荣,迈进另一个让人刮目相看的阶段。再成功的社会里,没了“孝恩敬老”为基础,也会渐渐的迈进黑暗时代,忘恩负义的人,这么回有着永久的辉煌时代呢? 没有将古人的生活经验作为榜样,作为教诲的人,又如何能取得成功呢? 将曾经教育我们的人打进冷宫,对我们又有什么好处呢?因此,“孝恩敬老”对于一个希望永久成功的人,是非常重要的。

      年幼时,父母用心栽培我们,为了希望孩子日后可以在社会上立足,为了保障日后有孩子报恩的时候。父母为我们准备的一切一切,从一出世,就为我们准备了名字,而名字中,父母也会特别挑选一些带着成功的名字,就如,我的父母,为我取了“仰城”,而名字中,有着仰望成功的意思。父母这么用心精选,难道,长大后要辜负他们对我的期望吗? 除了准备有心思的名字,父母也为我们烦恼要进哪一间学校,是要有一条龙直到大学的私人学校呢? 还是本地有着最顶尖成绩的学校。也曾担心是否孩子可以追得上班上其他学生的成绩,就应这样,也会不停的准备各科各类的补习,就是要孩子有着优越的成绩。而到了孩子该离开家园的时候,出外留学,工作,父母也会担心是否孩子能够适应那里的环境。冷天时,也会担忧是否穿着足够的衣服来取暖。考试时,父母也会担心是否孩子有足够的睡眠。热天时,父母也会担忧孩子有喝足够的水。父母种种的担忧及担心,孩子们是否更应该孝恩敬老?


Life is wonderful.

Is this a truth fact for everyone who stepping on the surface of earth? Perhaps there will be dozen of people thinking that is life is wonderful because they had already achieve things they wish for. However, there might be thousands of people think that is fact is seriously busted. And me, is just the another one who think that fact life is wonderful is busted. 

For a candidate who will sit for SPM in the couple of week, will my life be wonderful? The answers is no, everyday before sleep I was worrying about what subtitle of a subject that i don even see it before or even which subject that I really left out, such as Biology. Just right before I enter my sweet dream, I was seriously worry about the day had come and I had nothing to be prepared. How am I going to spend my two week time on my studies? Prepare timetable? That had failed for many many time when a timetable is ready, I will not able to catch it up. 

For my wonderful of life, I believe is when the examination end and everyone starting to burn book and throw all book out of their life, include me. For my wonderful of life, it will be when the time i dating with the one I love and also hanging out with the whole bunch of friends. I guess that will be the most wonderful moments where I had put a lot of efforts on my studies and finally I finish my secondary school life. 

Can't wait for the moments to happen just right tomorrow. However, when the examination ends, it will probably the end where we have to say bye bye to teachers which had teach us a lot in this whole 5 years and also is the time to say bye bye to friends which we maybe see each others after graduated. And, is also the time for me to plan for my future studies which I don have any idea now. Well, this will be happening in the coming 50 days. No worries now, just worry about my studies. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010




就因一时的迷惑,一时的冲动,搞得自己和家人需要承担苦日子的生活,需要看着有钱人的眼色与脸色来做人。有时,想要发言时,也没有着机会,因为这世界里都是金钱排第一,对于没有金钱的穷人来说,就算你所想要说的有多建设性, 我相信是没有人肯去聆听。就算有人肯去聆听,他们也只认为你是在空气中画画,会有多少人肯去相信,肯给你信任去实现你的梦想?答案是没有人。就算有人答应肯给于帮助,也有可能只是想敷衍你,到了最终的时刻,才来反悔。但,就算他反悔,身为穷人的你,也不能做出任何反驳的行为,因为,你就是不够他多钱。然而,也渐渐成为富有人的玩具。

而穷人,往往要寄人篱下,不能有自己的主见,也需要非常努力的工作来维持生活。常常也需要在生活费上剩下一角半毛,就是为了可以让自己休息一会儿。在休息的同时,也不妨想象自己活在有钱人的生活里,目的就是希望有一天可以梦想成正,不需再活在那苦日子里。 但是,富有的人,有钱却快乐吗?而,贫穷的人,没钱但活得很快乐。那些快乐的点点滴滴,富有的人是不能用钱买的。那么,给你选择,你要快乐但是贫穷的人,还是你要做个富有但是不快乐的人?贫穷的人可以因为一天多赚五十零吉而有着很灿烂的笑容,富有的人可以在一天内赚比穷人所赚的多一百倍,但是他能拥有那灿烂的笑容吗?


Wednesday, November 3, 2010


 对我而言 ,钱不是最重要的 ;最重要的 ,是能够得到朋友对你的谅解...


最近,总觉得身边的朋友不如以前那么的亲密,那么的要好. 是你们变了? 还是我变了? 还是我们之间已经有了一段不如以前的距离? 虽然我们常在一起,但是我们之间的友情还如以前吗? 可能, 现在的我们,对你们来说, 会比较好, 也许,我需要一些时间习惯. 难道,我们就不能如以前一样, 有着零距离的友情吗?  有时, 我真的不知如何要去描述我们先在的友情, 是要好, 还是只是好朋友? 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

One simple conversation in return a true friend

A: Wahh B, treat me so good merr..? haha
B: haha.. ya lo.. heng dai ma.. 
A: LOL.. I see.. yeah.. still.. Thank you then..
B: lol.. not always also d meh?
A: haha. my mistake. yeah. always..
B: haha.. yeah! 

A simple conversation like this had return me a true friend. 

Had some argue with some friends before this which cause me to learn something through out the whole problem. Had allow me to learn how something which is valuable than what I am studying now for my SPM. Had also gave me a chance to do a reflect test on my own. And now, problem had already gone away and I had learn something new and did some changes. Changing to be good?? Perhaps yes. I had back friends just like originally, hang out together and also study together. A conflict between you and me had make me to be better in my future life, through the reflect of myself, I admit, I am wrong, I might be too 'dai lou' in the group which I did all the decision, did the planning for you all without thinking how do you all feel, taking you all weakness as a joke. But, in a truly way, I did not look down to every single one of you before, I also wish you all could as me that 'success' in the life. Maybe, my way of expression could not really express what I actually think. Maybe, my way of thinking is negative when the point of view is different. 





Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Special Present for the special one

10-10-10 had came truth, me and you had officially in a relationship. 

On this day, you are mine and i am yours! Before this day, I had prepare a present for you which full of science in it. However, the present seem to look a bit cacat because trial exam was held in that period of time. sorry ya.. xD.. Actually, that gift i did i stole an idea from my pameran and trying to turn it to a special present. But, experiment failed! xD.. I did manage to give out that present in a quite surprising way, hope you enjoy it!!

This present actually will glow under UV light, but i did not have enough time to find a uv led which i planned to make a uv torchlight for you, what a fail guy. However, i did manage to take some photo during i prepare the present. Enjoy it!

During the making of this, I did meet a lot of failure including the jelly ball shrink without my expectation. But, when i think that your smile when you receive this, it was my catalyst to continue finish it. I was able finish it in time, just that what i think of, is not what i did. xD..

That all for this post, SPM is coming 34 days left.. sigh!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Twenty Three Hours

Twenty Three Hours more, it will be the day I am officially yours and you is officially mine, haha what a funny one. Others may think we are funny, but I believe me and you are waiting this day for a long time ago. This day only exists 100 years once which the date will be 10.10.10, this will be a day which change our life.

For dear, 
you ah.. ask you view my blog d la.. before you ask me about the email ah.. i also already created and used the email for this blog la.. this mail still have something quite special d.. you ask me to know la.. k? haha.. C.. yr stupidness make me have to type one more post.. haha.. anyway.. this is another wonderful moments between me and you.. haha.. love you ya.. 


Donkey Lee xD

Something Special For Someone Who is Special

Finally have to innovative to own my own blog once again. I had too a long long time to think about my new e-mail which i should change long long time ago. However, although the previous email address was once meaningful for me, but now, even i using that old account, there is no other meaning for me except as my communication tools. But, someone might don like i using that e-mail since long time ago. I wanted to change, but just have think until something special for the one who is special. Now, finally i create a new email which is meaningful to me . Although maybe others will think that this is a normal email, but to me is much meaningful. [13 - is the birthday of someone who is special] [14 - is my birthday] with this combination, it mean 一生一世. This is something that me and you hope for, right? I saw your msn personal message wrote 'I hope our love will never ..' don know what is the last word behind leh? 

I did really remember what you said before, even just a small little thing i will also remember, just sometimes maybe something i will forget, just like you ma, when I birthday? haha 
when the time I remember, I will make it surprise,
when the time I remember, I will make it special,
however, when the time i forget, please forgive me. 
because every moments you feel surprise and shock, it will be the special moment between just you and me. 

This blog title, Moments with a special one will going to be the dairy of every single moments between you and me in our future.Every moments of us will be something special and I will always keep it to be special.

I really would like to thanks someone who had make me changed a lot, thank something who make me changed a lot. I will be who I am in the order to be a better person. 

P/S: So po.. now you know what is something special for someone who is special edi lo? haha 

